Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Faith got me... I've been tagged!!!

RULES: Answer the questions about yourself. At the end of your post, tag 5 people by posting their names, then go to each of their blogs and post this comment: "You've been tagged! Come to my blog for the details."

What I was doing ten years ago:
Ten years ago I was living in Marion, IN, teaching in a small ACE school, while living at the Grant County Rescue Mission. My husband was the assistant director.

Five things on my to-do list today:
1. go to the bank
2. vacuum basement
3. teach girls their daily lessons
4. go get groceries
5. water flowers

Five snacks that I enjoy:
1. chocolate of any kind
2. popcorn
3. fresh fruit
4. Sun Chips ( harvest cheddar flavor)
5. ice cream

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. pay tithe
2. pay off debt
3. invest in a home of our own
4. donate money to missions
5. put money aside for our girls tuition for college

Three of my bad habits:
1. biting my nails when nervous
2. eating when stressed
3. spend too uch money eating out

Five places I have lived:
1. Owego, NY
2. Windsor, NY
3. Penns Creek, PA
4. Marion, IN
5. Pell City, AL
6. Now I live in Iva, SC

Five jobs I have had:
1. lawn mowing during the summer in high school
2. dishwasher at a resort in Deposit,NY
3. cashier at a stuffed animal store
4. assistant manager of rescue mission thrift store
5. teacher at Bible Methodist Christian School

Five bloggers I want to know more about:
1. Julie Schultz
2. Crystal Mason
3. Alanna McIntire
I can't think of anyone else. I am still new to this whole blogging idea.

** Paul was tagged too, but you will have to wait on his, he is out of town for the week.

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