Friday, July 11, 2008

A Stop At Lake Erie...

Now that I have my pictures downloaded on their computer I can show you the pictures from our stop at Lake Erie. First of all I have to thank my wonderful in-laws for bringing the girls and I all the way to New York. They are the greatest. On our way to my sisters we were early and we would have beat her home, so we stopped at the Dunkirk Exit off of I 90 in New York. There was a historical lighthouse there that we had read about and we wanted to check it out. But, when we got there it cost $6.00 a piece to get in, so we decided to skip that. Instead I got as close to the fence as I dared and took a picture of it. The lake was absolutely gorgeous and it cooled us down, since the air conditioning in their van quit on the way. We did go to the Board Walk and got something to eat. We also drove through a little park and took some pics. It was a beautiful sight and we sure enjoyed ourselves.
Lake Erie

The Historical Lighthouse in Dunkirk.

Ashley and Lauren at the Boardwalk

Mom-Mom and her girls enjoying the lake

1 comment:

Faith said...

Lotsa nice memories!! I'm glad you're blogging. :)