Today our church had a Fall Festival for our Sunday school kids. We had a wonderful turn out with around 50 in attendance. Amongst them were several new contacts. We had a great time and several people told us they really enjoyed it. We had several games for them to play, for example: Ring Toss, Football Toss, Gone Fishing, Ker Plunk, Tic Tac Toe, Frog Toss, Get the Penny in the Cup, etc. We also had a Cake Walk and an Apple eating contest. The kids also enjoyed playing football and some of the adults played Ping Pong and Horse Shoes. We also provided a meal of Chili Dogs, Chips, Pickles, and a Dessert. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we had a great time of fellowship. Here are just a few pictures that I was able to get from the day.
Lauren trying to get the football in one of the containers...
get it in and you will get two pieces of candy.
Allanna trying to play Ring Toss...
looks like she is doing pretty good.
Paul making sure Chase gets three X's or three O's in a row...
get Tic Tac Toe and you'll get more candy.
Luke and Christopher in an apple race...who will get the first big bite?